November 18, 2020
How UI And UX Drives Your Digital Marketing Success
How UI And UX Drives Your Digital Marketing Success
Posted On: November 18, 2020

Typically, both paid and organic strategies need to be leveraged to establish a company’s digital strategy. Nonetheless, even with superior link building, bidding and targeting can contribute to loss of leads if your landing page and website as an entity is not optimized.

When evaluating a site, any leading ui ux design company is aware of the key areas where they should focus to yield powerful results.

UI Design

User Interface or UI is crafted by drawing on the principles of UX in an effort to refine the UX. This is because UX takes into account the user journey, the look of the site and the best way to make it attractive. Simply put, a website needs to be visually appealing enough to compel users to navigate it. Keeping a consistent color scheme, easily legible fonts, impressive videos that build interest in the business are some of the UI best practices when you are establishing a strong digital marketing strategy.

UX Design

Crafting sites that offer users a useful and meaningful experience is the main function of UX designs. The moment a user lays eyes on a website, the site should be designed in such a manner that ensures that they get the relevant information within the first few clicks itself.

Considering the marketing angle, you would need to aim for a scenario where you are able to gain conversions on every single page in as low a time as possible and have sufficient information that covers maximum queries before they make contact with you.

Site Speed

Often website speed is overlooked while considering various strategies that can boost guaranteed digital marketing services . Bear in mind that when a site’s speed is slow what happens is that the bounce rate increases while the rank of the site keeps sinking. While site speed refers to the speed of the site as a whole, page speed applies to the speed of particular pages and the rate at which they load.

Mobile Experience

Developing a website that’s optimized for desktop as well as mobile is vital but at the same time it’s quite complicated. To optimize a user’s mobile experience you would need to concentrate on site speed. A website that does not load within 2-3 seconds will cause users to exit the site immediately. For this reason negative mobile experience is a root cause of failure in a digital strategy, as mobile has been the most popular platform for several decades now. 

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